Stop AB 470

California Assembly Bill 470

The California Assembly Must Protect Rural Telephone Customers

In rural areas of California, with less reliable cellular coverage and inconsistent broadband access, landline telephones are a lifeline to emergency services, community resources, business connections, and friends and family.

A bill before the California Assembly, AB 470, would eliminate AT&T’s obligation to provide telephone services to every home and business in its service territory.

This isn’t AT&T’s first attempt to shirk its obligation to California telephone customers. Just last year, the California Public Utility Commission rejected AT&T’s bid to drop its carrier of last resort responsibilities and the California legislature rejected a bill similar to AB 470.

Call members of the California Assembly’s Committee on Communications and Conveyance and tell them, Californians need reliable telephone services and that AT&T must continue to meet its obligations to California’s seniors, farmers, and rural and underserved communities.

Please make a Call – (916) 602-4858 or

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