Striking Workers are Struggling
While some of the striking workers and their families may have resources that they can turn to in these difficult times, others have extraordinary needs that they cannot meet without additional help.
While some of the striking workers and their families may have resources that they can turn to in these difficult times, others have extraordinary needs that they cannot meet without additional help.
On Thursday August 22, CWA members across the country will hold up signs at work, standing if they are able, to show their solidarity.
We are CWA members on strike at AT&T Southeast because AT&T is refusing to engage in good faith negotiations for a new contract.
The results of the strike authorization vote are in, 92.57% of the Membership authorized President Cummings to call a strike pending Executive Board approval.
The 2020 to 2024 AT&T Wireline contract has officially expired. We have not extended the contract. We are currently working with NO contract in place. We need to utilize strike and picketing action and strategies to let AT&T know that CWA District 9 employees mean business.
The 2024 contract negotiations for CWA District 9 are still underway, but the chance of striking is large. If we strike, please follow these guidelines.
Unions representing 85,000 health care workers have reached a tentative agreement with industry giant Kaiser Permanente following a strike over wages and staffing levels, the parties announced Friday.