Letter from Frank Arce, VP of CWA District 9

Open Letter from Frank Arce

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to acknowledge and thank the rank-and-file members of CWA in California and Nevada for your collective decision to authorize President Claude Cummings to call a strike against ATT. It is not necessary under the Administration of President Cummings to conduct a Board Poll until there is a need for an economic strike.

At this moment there is still fluent discussion and movement at the table. However, it is crucial that we remain prepared should the situation escalate. It is important for each of us to stay informed. The most accurate and up-to-date information will be communicated to you by your Local leadership.

Let us be vigilant against rumors and misinformation, as they do not serve our cause well. In fact, they can create unnecessary division among us at a time when we need to stand united. Solidarity is more important now than ever as we continue to negotiate for a fair contract.

Remember, our strength lies in our unity and our collective action.

Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way and emerge stronger on the other side.

In Solidarity,

Frank Arce

Vice President

CWA District 9

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