Letter from Frank Arce, regarding next steps after TA was voted down

September 11, 2024

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Siblings,

As previously shared, the AT&T tentative agreement was rejected by the Membership. It is my
understanding misinformation is being disseminated with regards to what are the next steps when a tentative agreement is rejected. Please take a moment to review the comments below as to where we are in the process and what are the options (constitutional and legal options).

Saturday, September 7, we (D9) convened a virtual meeting with the 21 Local Presidents for the
purposes of providing insight as to why members voted NO. Monday, September 9, we (D9) shared
that feedback with the elected bargaining committee so they could develop proposals and a strategy to resume negotiations with AT&T’s bargaining committee. Tuesday, members on both committees traveled back to Northern CA for the purposes of meeting in-person today, September 11.

The District Vice President is charged with notifying the International President of the ratification
vote results – that was completed Friday. The CWA elected bargaining committee is informed of
results, and a NO vote requires CWA to inform AT&T we must resume negotiations to the goal of
achieving a second tentative agreement. Collectively we, D9 and Local Presidents, convene a
meeting to determine what drove a NO vote of the membership (last Saturday’s meeting). Feedback received is shared with the elected bargaining committee and President of the Union. Without tipping our hand resulting in diminishing our elected committee’s bargaining power, I can share that numerous Local Presidents conveyed mobilization actions and the fact they want to continue educating the membership are a key component at this stage of negotiations.

There are two strikes recognized by the NLRB as addressed in Section 7 of the National Labor
Relations Act (NLRA); economic (general) strikes and unfair labor practice strikes. Our options
available are seeking approval for a sanctioned strike or continuing to work without a contract as
the committees negotiate the contract.

Approval of the Executive Board of the Union shall be obtained before strike action may be
taken. The Executive Board of the Union shall be advised by the President that a strike is
imminent and shall immediately determine the action to be taken; Within ten days after such
notice has been received, the Executive Board of the Union shall determine whether a strike
action is approved; In deciding whether to approve strike action, the Executive Board of the
Union shall consider all factors connected therewith. If approved, the Executive Board of
the Union shall assist therein and direct the support to be given by the Union.

D9 verbalized and submitted our written request for a sanctioned strike. As we work through the
process spelled out above the CWA elected bargaining committee is working through the feedback
list with AT&T’s committee.

Please remain on standby and await further instructions from us, D9, and your Local President.

In Unity,
Frank Arce, Vice President
CWA District 9


cc: CWA D9 Admin & Staff