Email the CEO Campaign

QR code to email AT&T CEO John Stankey

Let AT&T CEO John Stankey know that we deserve a fair contract!

QR code to email AT&T CEO John Stankey
QR code to email AT&T CEO John Stankey

Scan the QR Code embedded in the image above with your phone’s camera app. It will give you the option to send an auto-populated email to AT&T CEO John Stankey. All you have to do is hit send! Of course, you have the option of making the email more personalized if you want.

Scanning a QR Code from your camera app on your phone might be all well and good, but what if you are reading this ON YOUR PHONE? Don’t worry, it is still very easy to access the QR Code information.

For iPhone Users

Step 1: Screen shot the above graphic containing the QR Code. Then open your Photos app and select the screenshot. You will notice an icon in the lower right corner of the picture that looks like a square box with three horizontal lines in it. Tap on this icon to go to step 2.

Step 2: All of the text on the picture will become highlighted after tapping the icon. The icon will become blue in color. Tap on the QR Code in the upper right corner to go to Step 3.

Step 3: A new dialogue box appears after tapping on the QR Code. All you need to do is select the “New Mail Message” option and you will be taken to step 4.

Step 4: A new email draft will appear on your screen that is auto populated with a message to send to John Stankey. Feel free to edit this message to make it your own! Once you are done, hit the send button and thanks for standing in solidarity with your CWA sisters and brothers!

For Android Users

Step 1: You will be using the Google Photos app. Open the app and select the screenshot you took earlier. At the bottom of the screen, select the “Lens” option by tapping on the icon.

Step 2: Google Lens will do it’s sparkly magic for about 1 second and then it will detect the QR Code and the contents within it. You will see a new screen at the bottom of the app with an option to “Email” the contents of the QR Code. Tap on that to move on to step 3

Step 3: Gmail or your default email app should open with the pre-populated email message. Edit it and make it your own. Once you are done, hit the send button and thanks for standing in solidarity with your CWA sisters and brothers!

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