Mobility Stands with Wireline!
AT&T Mobility CWA Members stand with their Wireline brothers and sisters!
AT&T Mobility CWA Members stand with their Wireline brothers and sisters!
In 1989, there was a strike at GTE (General Telephone and Electronics Corporation) in California, where one of the union members, Gerardo “Jerry” Morales, was killed by a scab (replacement worker) who ran him over with a car while he was picketing.
CWA Local 9333 will be hosting three different Tentative Agreement Explanation Meetings.
Local 9333 Technicians show they are mobilized and want a fair contract now!
There will be no Membership Meeting in May.
The 2024 contract negotiations for CWA District 9 are still underway, but the chance of striking is large. If we strike, please follow these guidelines.
Today marks the one month deadline before the AT&T West Wireline Contract expires. Local 9333 held informational pickets in Monterey, Modesto, and Merced. We are proud that our members show their support of our bargaining team and that they are ready to fight for a fair contract.
This class is intended for new Local 9333 Stewards. It will be held at 4713 Greenleaf Ct, Suite B, Modesto, CA 95356 from 8am to 1pm.
Rick Garcia area manger for Stockton, Tracy Jackson and Clay Kirby area manager for Modesto, Merced and Sonora teamed up to celebrate At&t members that are veterans by hosting a breakfast for them
Elaine Savaiki retained her position as Local 9333 President. Anthony Cisneros ran unopposed and is the new Vice President. Fidel Andrade was elected to the Executive Board